Our Story
We’re Brent and Laura Goodson, married almost 25 years with two children, five dogs, three cats, and three chickens. We met at the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine during our freshman year while partners in Anatomy Lab. After bonding over the dissection of a cow, we were married the summer after our sophomore year and graduated vet school together in 1998.
We owned a veterinary clinic for seven years in southeast Georgia before selling and moving to North Augusta, SC where our son Garrett was born, and Brent began a long career in emergency medicine. Laura put her career on hold while raising Garrett and his sister, Bryce, who came two years later. (And one week after our move to Upstate SC! ) The idea for an in-home euthanasia business came about after Brent saw the need during his years in emergency medicine and also from several friends requesting that service. In December of 2015 Upstate Pet Euthanasia was formed. We are happy to be here serving the Upstate of SC!
Our Mission
We both entered veterinary medicine with the primary goal of helping pets and their humans alike. While many times this involves successful medical or surgical treatment with the goal of sending the pet home, in some cases, treatment involves humanely ending a pet’s life.
We have firsthand experience in this, both through the loss of clients’ and friends’ pets as well as our own. We know the loss and grief that comes with this decision. However, we also see it as a form of treatment, a gift in a way, that one can give their pet to end their suffering when all other options are exhausted. That brought us to our decision to offer this procedure in the homes of our clients. As traumatic as it can be to transport your anxious pet to a veterinary clinic for this procedure, we felt that the ability to perform it in the client’s home would help ease some of the hurt and emotional turmoil.